(1)发表论文 [1] Sumei Cao, Weizhen He, Guanghai Qi, Jing Wang, Kai Qiu, Habtamu Ayalew, Haijun Zhang*,Shugeng Wu. Inclusion of guanidinoacetic acid in a low metabolizable energy diet improves broilers growth performance by elevating energy utilization efficiency through modulation serum metabolite profile. Journal of Animal Science. 2024.102:skae001. doi: 10.1093/jas/skae001 [2] Jing Lin, Marcello Comi, Perricone Vera, Agazzi Alessandro, Kai Qiu, Jing Wang, Shugeng Wu, Guanghai Qi, Haijun Zhang*. Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae hydrolysate on growth performance, immunity function, and intestinal health in broilers. Poultry Science. 2023,102(1):102237 [3] Elahi Usman, Changchun Xu, Jing Wang, Jin Lin, Shugeng Wu, Haijun Zhang*, Guanghai Qi*. Insect meal as a feed ingredient for poultry. Animal Bioscience. 2022,35(2):332-346. (杂志年度高被引论文) [4] Kai Qiu, Qin Zhao, Jing Wang Guanghai Qi, Shugeng Wu*, Haijun Zhang*. Effects of pyrroloquinoline quinone on lipid metabolism and anti-oxidative capacity in a high-fat-diet metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease chick model. Int J Mol Sci. 2021, 22(3):1458. (杂志年度高被引论文) [5] Jianmin Zhou, Shugeng Wu, Guanghai Qi, Yu Fu, Weiwei Wang, Haijun Zhang*, Jing Wang*. Dietary supplemental xylooligosaccharide modulates nutrient digestibility, intestinal morphology, and gut microbiota in laying hens. Animal Nutrition. 2021, 7 (1): 152-162. (杂志年度高被引论文) [6] Jia Feng, Mingyuan Lu, Jing Wang, Haijun Zhang, Kai Qiu, Guanghai Qi*, Shugeng Wu*. Dietary oregano essential oil supplementation improves intestinal functions and alters gut microbiota in late-phase laying hens. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2021, 12:72. (杂志年度高被引论文) [7] Lei Xu, Haijun Zhang, Hongyuan Yue, Shugeng Wu, Haiming Yang, Guanghai Qi*, Zhiyue Wang*. Low-current & high-frequency electrical stunning increased oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, and gene transcription of the mitogen-activated protein kinase/nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2/antioxidant responsive element (MAPK/Nrf2/ARE) signaling pathway in breast muscle of broilers. Food Chemistry, 2018, 242: 491-496. [8] Dong Dai, Haijun Zhang, Kai Qiu, GUANG-HAI QI, Jing Wang*, Shugeng Wu. Supplemental L-arginine Improves the embryonic intestine development and microbial succession in a chick embryo model. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2021, 8:692305. [9] Weiwei Wang, Qianqin Feng, Jing Wang, Shugeng Wu, Guanghai Qi GH, Haijun Zhang*. Cyst(e)ine fortification in low crude protein diet improves growth performance of broilers by modulating serum metabolite profile. J Proteomics. 2021,238:104154. [10] Jiguang Wang, Changchun Xu, Zhigang Song, Shugeng Wu, Jing Wang, Guanghai Qi, Haijun Zhang*. Improvement in growth performance and digestive function from amniotic injections of N-acetylglutamate in broiler chickens. J Sci Food Agric. 2023.103(14):6966-6974. [11] Bo Qi, Jing Wang, Youbiao Ma, Shugeng Wu, Guanghai Qi, Haijun Zhang*. Effect of dietary β-alanine supplementation on growth performance, meat quality, carnosine content, and gene expression of carnosine-related enzymes in broilers. Poultry Science. 2018 97(4):1220-1228. [12] Jiu Gao, Haijun Zhang, Suhong Yu, Shugeng Wu, Yoon I, Quigley J, Yupeng Gao*, Guanghai Qi*. Effects of yeast culture in broiler diets on performance and immunomodulatory functions. Poultry Science. 2008.87(7):1377-1384. (杂志1921-2020年间高被引论文) [13] 张海军,王晶,武书庚,齐广海.T/CFIAS 8004-2023《蛋鸡低蛋白低豆粕多元化日粮生产技术规范》团体标准解读. 中国饲料. 2023. (22):41-44. [14] 郭志奇,林静,张顺心,罗状状,孟昆,马广田,王晶,武书庚,刘英丽,杨培龙,张海军*,于建明*. 牧草发酵饲料对老龄蛋鸡产蛋性能和鸡蛋品质的影响.中国饲料. 2023. (22):333-338. [15] 周建民,马友彪,张海军*,王晶,武书庚*,齐广海,刘建忠,吕亮. 白酒糟酵母培养物对肉仔鸡生长性能、血清抗氧化指标和肠道形态结构的影响 动物营养学报. 2019. 31(5): 2357-2366. (F5000论文) [16] 杨永岳,武书庚,王 晶,许 丽*,张海军*.低蛋白质饲粮添加甘氨酸对肉仔鸡生长性能、胴体组成和血液生化指标的影响.动物营养学.2016.28(4):1068-1075. [17] 张玉,武书庚,王 晶,岳洪源,齐广海,高玉鹏*,张海军*.葡萄原花青素对产蛋后期蛋鸡生产性能和抗氧化能力的影响.动物营养学报,2016,28(4):1129-1136. [18] 冯倩倩,王晶,武书庚,邱凯,齐广海,张海军*.低蛋白质饲粮中添加半胱氨酸对肉仔鸡生长性能、胴体组成、血清生化指标及氮代谢的影响. 动物营养学报 2021. 33(6):3259-3270. [19] 齐博,武书庚,王晶,齐广海,张海军*,阎桂玲,王旭,董延. 枯草芽孢杆菌对肉仔鸡生长性能、肠道形态和菌群数量的影响.动物营养学报.2016. 28(6):1748-1756. (F5000论文) (2)授权专利 [1]张海军,马友彪,王晶,武书庚,齐广海,一种提高肉雏鸡质量和促进早期生长的胚期补剂及其应用, 发明专利,专利号:201711453247.9。 [2]张海军,马友彪,武书庚,齐广海,王晶,一种降低肉鸡饲料成本的配方及其应用, 发明专利,专利号:201711111359.6。 [3]张海军,马友彪,武书庚,齐广海,王晶,岳洪源,孙琳琳,一种促进肉鸡生长的一种胚内给养补剂及其应用,发明专利,专利号:201510063856.8。 [4]齐广海,张海军,张亚男,王晶,武书庚,一种改善老龄蛋鸡蛋壳质量的复合添加剂及其应用, 发明专利,专利号:201610307517.4。 [5]张海军,齐广海,武书庚,王晶,马友彪.一种生产富集功能脂质鸡蛋的饲料,发明专利,专利号:201810126144.X. [6]张海军,杨金玉,武书庚,齐广海,岳洪源,王晶,一种鸡肠道上皮γδT细胞的分离培养方法,发明专利,专利号:201410645751.9。 [7]张海军,冯倩倩,武书庚,王晶,齐广海,马友彪,林静,邱凯,一种热应激时适用的肉鸡低蛋白饲料及其应用,发明专利,专利号:202011287846.X。 [8]张海军,张封东,邢彦朋,马友彪,武书庚,王晶,齐广海,一种家禽胴体分解采样支架,实用新型专利,专利号:201820402400.9。 [9]张海军,马友彪,武书庚,张林,王晶,齐广海,岳洪源,一种禽蛋孵化箱照明装置,实用新型专利,专利号:201820508210.5。 |